Composition OF IQAC - SESSION 2023-2024
- 1. Dr. Trishna Gurung, Principal-in-Charge, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Chairperson, IQAC
- 2. Dr. (Prof.) Tapash Kumar Chatterjee, Nominee of Trust and Director(Hony.), Member, IQAC
- 3. Dr. (Prof.) Ganesh Ji Tiwari, Invitee, Member, IQAC
- 4. Mrs. Atyuha Bagchi, Nominee from Local Society, Member, IQAC
- 5. Mr. Subhrashek Dey, Assistant Professor of Management, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Member, IQAC
- 6. Mrs. Trideepa Sehanobis Das, Assistant Professor of Law, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Member, IQAC
- 7. Mrs. Arpita Mitra Roy, Assistant Professor of Law, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Member, IQAC
- 8. Head Clerk, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Member, IQAC
- 9. Accountant, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Member, IQAC
- 10. Assistant Librarian, Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Member, IQAC
- 11. Mr. Koushik Adhikary, Student, 5YR. BBA LL.B Semester IX, Member, IQAC
- 12. Ms. Tanisha Agarwal, Student Alumni, Member, IQAC
- 13. Ms. Rupa Pradhan, Coordinator, IQAC